
Law and Order in practise

  His day involves long hours with his head buried in thick books reading over law paragraphs and court cases. Not only this but sitting in meetings, consulting with clients, answering emails and spending long hours in court hearings. Being a lawyer is definitely not a job where one can find the time to be...

Living with his head in the clouds

  Adam Donaldson is one young and ambitious man from the UK who had a dream once to become a pilot. He decided to follow his dream all the way to New Zealand, where he is currently training to become one. But is it as easy as jumping into a plane and flying? We have...

Structure your day the “Dutch way”

  Marike is the head of a popular marketing agency Uw Persvoorlichter in the Netherlands, and since we all know that those countries to the west are known for being incredibly time efficient nations, and since good habits die hard, we wanted to find out first-hand if this legendary efficiency spills over into the marketing...

Beaches, sun and palm trees. But it’s not a holiday

  There are hundreds if not thousands of photographers around us. But this photographer’s day is much more different than all the hundreds of others out there. He is from New Zealand and just by looking out of his home office window he already has a better view than most.   Rise and shine His...

How an old wooden yacht, one successful business venture and one beloved New Zealand tourist attraction all came together

  Have you ever had a dream of a holiday on board a yacht, just cruising along and leaving your worries behind you? We most definitely have, and especially right now, when the summer holiday season is in full swing. Now imagine if you could do this every single day of your life and you...

Reality vs ideal reality of 9–5 jobs just like yours

      Find out what two people with normal everyday jobs are like in reality and what they would like them to be. Des and his ideal day as After Sales Support at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, Auckland, New Zealand “I wake up ten mins early & step out of bed wiggling my toes into...

Ideal day vs the reality of a broadcast radio reporter. Is it what you think it is?

Everyone wants to have an ideal day at work. Just imagine how much fun it would be if everything turned out perfect. If there was no traffic. People responded to emails on time or at all. Turned up to meetings instead of cancelling them. And problems would get solved quickly and efficiently every single day....