
Get rid of constraints that decrease your personal productivity

  A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. This is one of those common sense phrases and overused cliches. For others, however, it can mean a million dollar business or a life attitude which helps the person to see connections that others can’t. The second type of such a person was definitely Eliyahu...

Our top book picks to help make your business more 21st. century

  There are many articles, blog posts and even books offering expert advice on how to make your business prosper in the tough and extremely competitive business market today, how to stick above the rest, how to be different. We’ve decided to make it a lot easier and chose 4 reads to help transform your...

5 books everyone who wants to practise Kaizen should read

  Kaizen is a philosophy of constant and continuous improvement. The word itself in Japanese means “change for the better”. Kaizen is best known as the core management principle in Japanese companies. Moreover, Kaizen as a general method suitable for any kind of improvement of standardized processes was also applied into other  human activities such...